If you have experienced the excruciating pain of passing a kidney stone, you remember it well. You are probably aware that once you have one, there is a strong likelihood you will have another. Not a very comforting thought, but there are some natural ways to prevent kidney stones. Keep reading to discover some easy preventative methods.
Yes, good ole water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones. This is especially true in the hot summer or if you perform heavy exercise routines that cause you to sweat. When you sweat, you don’t urinate as much or as often leading to dehydration and minerals settling in your kidneys and urinary tract. You can replace your missing sweat and urinate more often by carrying that water bottle with you at all times and drinking lots of water. You can always check on your need for water intake by looking at the color of your urine. You want it to look pale yellow to help prevent kidney stones.
Put Down The Salt Shaker
Try to reduce your salt consumption. Too much salt in your diet causes high urine calcium which can lead to kidney stones. The lower your urine calcium reduces your risk.
Watch out for processed foods like chips and crackers, canned soups and vegetables, lunch meats, and foods that contain monosodium glutamate or sodium bicarbonate.
Use fresh herbs to season your foods. You can find a complete guide to reduce salt intake here.

Avoid Animal Protein
Some adults live on animal protein, but if you are susceptible to kidney stones, you should avoid eating beef, chicken, fish, and pork.
Stay In the Outside Aisles
We mean when you’re at the grocery store, travel through the outside of the store where they keep all the fresh produce. Try to eat 4 to 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Their ingredients all tend to prevent the formation of stones.
Consult With Lowcountry Urology
If you are someone who seems to be getting recurrent kidney stones, consult with a urologist. Urinary specialists will be able to determine the best route for you to avoid future bouts with kidney stones.
Keep Track Of OTC And Prescription Drugs
Certain medications can increase your risk of kidney stones. They include the following:
- Decongestants
- Antacids
- Antibiotics
- Diuretics
- Steroids
- Meds for cancer, HIV, and epilepsy
Contact Lowcountry Urology for an appointment if you would like more information about kidney stones and how to prevent their recurrence.