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A man holding his bladder due to urinary incontinence.

What Is Urinary Incontinence

Dr. Kelly Shaffer is a urologist here at Low Country Urology in Charleston, SC and in this webinar she goes over an overview of what is Urinary Incontinence and Bowel Incontinence, your options when it comes to care pathways, what treatment options you have and answers some commonly asked questions.

cigarette in man of a smoker

How Smoking Affects Your Risk Of Urologic Conditions

If you are a smoker, you most likely have been admonished for years by friends and relatives to quit. You are aware of the many health problems which can develop from smoking. Yet, you continue unabated. If it was easy to do, you would have already done it, right? Maybe the final impetus will be how smoking affects your risk of urologic conditions.

Read More »How Smoking Affects Your Risk Of Urologic Conditions

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